- Improved keyboard binding preferences and keypress handling. Visit your Profile page to update your keys :)
- Fixed two longstanding bugs in replays which caused the next sequence/hold/active piece to display incorrectly. The fix is not retroactive :( Big thanks to Blitz for the help!
- Fix inability to comment on 0-move games, as well as the error when exceeding the comment limit
- Fix infinite loop when advancing a 0-move game replay
- Fix failure to rerender jeopardy when moving backwards in a replay
- Fixed replays misrepresenting O-spin garbage sent.
- Fixed another error in Perfect Clear Challenge leaderboard. Some records that did not correctly show up before should now be present.
Rollup of missed changes:
- Site is now HTTPS
- Replays fixed when your last move has no active piece
- Perfect clear challenge leaderboard sorts scores within a grouping correctly
- Perfect clear challenge shows how long the game took in the replay itself
- Arrowchat js is cached/cacheable now
- Perfect Clear Challenge now records replays. You can view replays of the entries on the leaderboard. Positional comments and 'replays' tab integration are not yet functional.
- Fixed a bug on the Perfect Clear Challenge page preventing the date-range selector on anything but 7-bag/100 piece settings
- Fixed an unfortunate bug in Perfect Clear Challenge where all pieces generated after the first 14 were bag, no matter what randomizer you had selected
- Due to the above, all PC Challenge high scores before today have been removed from the leaderboard. I'm really sorry for this, but it's the only fair thing to do.
- PC battle leaderboards now let you see recent records, and do so by default to encourage people to play more :)
- There's now a link to view "liked games" for a user on their profile
- There is now a forgot password function. It's linked from the login page.
And if you didn't already know there has been (but apparently it wasn't linked anywhere?) a
change password function, which is now linked at the bottom of your own profile.
- Quality of life improvements to replay linking! There is now a link icon next to the 'Replay' heading in the replay viewer.
You may copy this link to get a link to the current turn* in the replay, or click it to "bookmark" this position
in your history. Using the magic of modern browsers, navigating between these urls will happen fast and not
require a full page reload. This should make it easier to reference parts of games without having to leave
a comment to get access to a link :)
* It's not perfect; for example if the last move you replayed was a hold, this doesn't affect the actual
turn you're on, so the link will show the pre-hold version
- Also, metakeys are no longer caught on keypresses on the replay page, so you may use alt+left/right
to navigate history now.
- Corrected a longstanding bug in revert calculation that reported it as 4 times what it should be (!)
- Changed the <3 emote to an actual heart; remapped the old one to :love:
- Game now ignores key repeat for left and right movements, so you can set DAS very slow if you don't want it
- Fixed a race condition that could cause updating the opponent's field to fail
- You should now be able to bind shift, alt, and ctrl keys and play with them
- The nagging unhold-death bug is finally dealt with!
- DAS and ARR settings in your profile (in milliseconds). Nuff said.
- Added a bit of text to show the arrangement of your incoming garbage. It's not perfect, but it should update live as you play as long as you load the page at the start of your turn. It will not work correctly if you play a partial turn and refresh; the page needs to be loaded with a full 7 moves left.
- You can no longer accept a public challenge from a person you are already playing a game with.
- You can now revoke public challenges.
- If you have an open PC Challenge game, it will now show on the PC Challenge page itself.
- The game log now updates as you make placements (for the active player, not when the other player is playing -- yet?)
- Fixed the combo/back-to-back indicators not updating in Firefox
- Perfect clear challenge now has a 'retry' button on game end. Please try not to spam harddrops.
- Redid the perfect clear battle page to show all-time high scores instead of recent high scores (best per user, top 10). It shows the scores for the selected combination of randomizer and starting pieces; it should update live when you change these.
- The memberlist / high scores has undergone a few changes. First, clicking header names will not reverse the sort order anymore, please use the 'Ascending' checkbox if you want to sort bottom up. More importantly, a new checkbox was added, 'Adjusted ratings'. When enabled, users' ratings will be modified by their revert/turn ratio. Currently, (ratio/2)% points are subtracted from the base Elo rating. This is intended to encourage smarter play as opposed to reliance on reverting, and will hopefully be a truer representation of a player's actual skill. Elo, as ever, is a representation of the player's likelihood to win. I am still trying to calibrate the adjusted ratings, so if you see something that doesn't look right, please tell me!
- To help ease communication with our foreign friends, chat now supports emoji. There's currently no UI to enter emoji characters, but this list gives the available glyphs. You can paste the html code or convert it to a shortcode-like syntax, so both "⛄" and "[[26C4]]" will produce "⛄".
- In honor of all the new players showing up lately, I've squeezed in a new game! PC Challenge is a single player game mode where the goal is to make as many perfect clears as you can within a set number of pieces. You can play with any randomizer and 100, 250, 500, or 1000 pieces.
- Games are timed as a means of breaking ties, and there is no pause, so plan to finish it out. You can get back to active games via your activity tab.
- This is running on the new database schema, from which I am auto-porting users that create games. There will be no stats, replays, or affect on your main account for the time being, but there will be a high scores page soon.
- Also, there is no revert! No second chances on this one ;) Do your best!
- Fixed the bug with showing the wrong number of next piece previews on your opponent's screen during live updates.
- Added a page to list all comments, grouped by game and ordered by date. You can get to it from the replays page by clicking 'see all'
- Fixed a bug that allowed placing a piece before the result from a previous placement has been received.
- Fixed the reroll-next-piece-on-first-hold bug, ya cheaters.
- Added some extra stats to profile, including avg. reverts per turn. Number of turns played was not always recorded, so stats going back too far ("all time") will be severely skewed.
- Added a screen to let you browse other players' games. You can reach it through their profile by clicking 'browse games'
- Under-the-hood cleanups to make gameplay much faster!
- Begin integrating new theme!
- Human-readable key bindings in profile!
- Rudimentary autoplay controls on replays! Space = pause/play, left/right = forward/back, up/down = faster/slower
- Added hotkeys for commit and revert. Commit is CTRL+ENTER and revert is CTRL+BACKSPACE.
- Added Facebook-like AJAX chat. There's a chatroom for everyone and chats for specific people.
- Added preliminary live update support. You should no longer be reloading the page when making your moves, and opponents' moves should update as they play. You won't yet be able to see their pieces move.
- Hacked around stupid focus bug. You will only be able to use key inputs when your field has the focus! Before it was "everything but chat windows"
- You can use the ESC key to return focus to the game from anywhere.
Links in replay comments :)
Fixed keyboard input on Firefox
Replays are publicly viewable!
- Some long replays were getting truncated due to a database limit. Changed the data type to allow for much longer replays.
- Fixed jeopardy counter in air2 replays.
- Using my newly acquired skills in javascript wizardry, I have corrected the one replay problem that I knew about since the get-go. Replays where a piece was dropped on solid garbage that was actually a hole will now work. :)
- Also added a button to replay viewer to rewind to the beginning.
- Changed Air (test) and Slow (test) to Air 2 and Slow 2. Added Classic, a Blockbox-type mode. It has 90% hole change and B2B, but no combos, spins, or perfect clears. Try your hand at some old school fun! Recommended: History-4 randomizer.
- Added a ready games bar below the menu. When you have games ready to take turns in, they will be available as a link from any page.
- Added a help page. It's mostly a somewhat-revised rip of my HD thread, but at least the info is there now.
- Moved the menus around a bit to make room for a help section. They're grouped more logically now.
- Modified the logging behavior for hold to hopefully avoid losing data in replays. Modified replay viewer to always drop the current piece according to the record. Result should hopefully be no replay corruption, but the next sequence might go wonky at some point. Please let me know if you encounter more broken replays.
- Cleaned up the game types according to play count. CoA, E+, and T-spins survived, the rest had almost no games. Revised Air and Slow, they are available as Air (test) and Slow (test). Differences are as follows:
- Slow2 is exactly like Change on Attack, except that you only accept one attack each time you drop a piece that doesn't clear a line.
- Air2 has been significantly revised: Perfect clears stack, and grant +4. Spin rewards are halved (spin double = 2, etc.). Combo table is a flat +1 and begins at 1 combo.
- Spiffed up the member list a bit.
- Spiffed up the profile page too. "Bestest pal" is the player you had the most games with, while "Direst rival" is the player you lost the most games to. There are a few options for changing how far back to collect these stats.
- Tweaked replays. They should always drop the correct piece now, but in the glitched replays the next sequence will be wrong. I'd rather have the next pieces wrong than the field though, so hopefully this is the last I'll have to mess with it until I can write something proper.
- Fixed a bug on the "Replays" page where it showed the oldest comment rather than the newest.
- Gonna say it 'til it's true: REPLAYS FIXED (??!)
(corner case: dropping on solid garbage where a hole would be still fails, but the big bug is gone!)
- You can now leave comments on a replay at the turn where you type it!
- Added recent comments under replays page, links to the position in the game where the comment was made
- Enabled rewind in replays. Currently only rewinds piece by piece, not input by input, but that's fine by me.
(corner case: dropping on solid garbage where a hole would be still fails, but the big bug is gone!)
- Also replays won't display reverts anymore. I intend to have it show a count or something at some point. (Edit: now with ajax so you don't lose your place!)
- Sup guys, I'm back
- Working on a new layout/interface, see here for work in progress, feel free to leave me comments.
- Changed replays screen to be time sensitive to keep fresh content. Formula is (time since game ended) / (number of likes). Also sped up the query by a factor of ~450! Go learnings!
- Put a little workaround in the replay viewer, certain types of corruption will correct themselves. I'll see if I can't undo the damage this weekend.
Edit: Replays should play all the way through, and only drop the pieces that were actually dropped. The next queue will still freak out though.
- Replay no longer reveals next pieces. Don't bother checking the source code, it's not there :)
- Has it been so long? I hardly know what day it is...
- I made a slight change to some SQL queries in hopes that I stop losing random replay data.
- Fixed a bug in replay viewer sequence generation when hold came directly before commit followed by a revert before a non-hold move
- Replay viewer should count garbage correctly.
- Should no longer have trouble with old cached javascript files.
- Fixed the bug that corrupted replays.
- Had another go at hole change. Looking good, let me know if you see something wrong.
- Profile links in active users
- Solid garbage until you commit. Replays possibly broken in corner cases.
- Reworked the replay viewer. Cleaned up a lot of code, combined the two versions, added support for commit/revert.
11/7/2011 - 11/8/2011
- 6 previews again.
- You can now reverse TIME ITSELF! By which I mean:
- Revert: reverts your turn to the last committed move
- Commit: commits your game state
- You are not shown new pieces in your next queue until you have committed your move(s)
- Your turn doesn't end until you commit your last move
- Some of you might discover something that you think is clever, but I promise you it will be dealt with as soon as I have more time :) In the meantime, please don't. Not only will it mean you're a douche, but it will be painfully obvious to your opponent as well.
- Replays of v5 games won't work yet, because I haven't added support for revert/commit to the replay viewer yet
- If you die you are dead. You cannot revert death.
- Bag randomizer is fixed. Probably. Again. For like the 10th time.
- Hist-4 should be correct now, too.
- Corrected replay bug with piece previews and hold. This change is retroactive.
- New FOTN. Rules = T-spins and Tetrises only; identical to CoA in all other respects.
- Added like button to (finished) replays.
- Added Replays page with top 10 liked replays and most recent 10 games.
- Active users now survives DST rollbacks ;)
- Hole position should change properly between separate attacks now.
- You can now play multiple games at once/view replays/etc. without having to refresh the page first.
- You can now bind your own keys. See your profile.
Full previews will be available in future games. Something went wrong, coming back to this.
- Bag randomizer now acts like a real bag randomizer. You will have one less preview overall, but you see seven pieces each turn. You get to see an extra piece before your first hold.
- Hold should work in replays for games started after now. There is a new version parameter which is only there for troubleshooting anything that comes up, I will remove it soon.
- Added the ability to play via the keyboard. Key bindings are:
- Space = hold
- a = reset
- s = down one
- d = rotate CCW
- f = rotate CW
- g = rotate 180
- up = place piece
- down = instant drop
- left = left
- right = right
- space = hold
- Players should now stay logged in until they log out or 14 days passes.